Sustainability Supplier Management Template

Sustainability & ESG App Template

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Sustainability Supplier Management

The Sustaira Sustainability Supplier Management solution is designed for quantitative and qualitative data intake and interaction with your suppliers. If you’re still using spreadsheets and emails to remind suppliers to submit ESG and Sustainability information, this solution is for you. Everything in this template is customizable and can be tailored towards your unique needs. Whether you use a questionnaire/survey or a data intake overview, it’s all possible. You can set actions, reminders and different data input parameters per supplier. This includes reporting and actionable insights.

Problem statement:

  • No efficient way to gather data from suppliers

  • Lack of supplier transparency and engagement

  • Difficult to demonstrate and share impact

  • Lack of accountability and track mutual goals

Solution value: 

  • Online 24/7 goal tracking

  • Suppliers transparency

  • Reusable questionnaires and data intake modules

  • Easy to share results internally and externally

  • Online reporting and actionable insight

Features and Functionalities

  • Create Custom Surveys

    Create custom survey questionnaires to send to your suppliers at any intervals. Keep up with changing requirements and update questions to get any information you need via an online, fast, and easy survey.

  • Gather Quantitative and Qualitative Data

    With Sustaira’s Supplier Survey Management application you can easily gather both Quantitative and Qualitative data via flexible and customizable surveys. Have the ability to send surveys at regular intervals and update them anytime!

  • Manage Suppliers

    With Sustaira’s Supplier Survey Management application users can upload suppliers and track their status in real time. See if a survey has been filled out on time, review answers, and even send reminders to ensure information is gathered accurately and on time.

  • And More!

    This is just a glimpse into the features and functionalities Sustaira applications offer. Features and functionality in addition to what is seen here can be rapidly added or customized!

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Data Aggregation

Create your single source of Sustainability and ESG data with Sustaira’s Launchpad. Each tile represents an application, custom project, or other software. Bring everything together in a single, agile, smart layer, that sits on top of the systems you’re already using.
This launchpad is meant to work WITH what you already have. Have an application or system that you love for one piece of your sustainability journey? We can add a tile to the Launchpad for that piece and bring everything together.

Custom Sustainability and ESG Apps

There are unique projects that require extensive specialization expertise and attention. For those, our expert development team can take your ideas and bring them to life. Our team uses an Agile Methodology and works alongside your team the entire time. Have something special brewing? Let us help.

Goal Setting & KPI Tracking

The Sustaira Projects & KPI module is designed with pre-built projects and tracking KPIs related to sustainable initiatives. Tied to the U.N. goals for sustainability or the framework of your choosing, you can assess the impact and ease of change with our QuickStart Survey, selecting those goals that you are most interested in. Then, choose from a buffet of pre-configured projects and KPIs to quickly add to your sustainability roadmap.

Carbon and Emissions Accounting Scope 1, 2 and 3: Measuring impact throughout your supply chain

The Carbon Accounting Application is used by organizations to get an overview of their Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. Allowing organizations to make informed decisions around their sustainability efforts, not only internally, but throughout their supply chain. To do this, the carbon accounting module uses answers from our survey to build a reflexive dashboard that highlights action items to calculate the impact environmentally and financially. Dive into Scope 3 and open this up to your suppliers or external stakeholders as well!