Earth Day 2023: Invest in our Planet

Earth Day coming up this weekend on Saturday April 22nd, have you taken a moment to consider how you will do your part this year?

Earth Day is dedicated to acting as a reminder for all of us to protect the environment, repair damaged ecosystems, and to live a more sustainable life. At Sustaira, Earth Day speaks to the core of what we do. On Earth Day 2023 we will celebrate our planet, the creatures on it, and reflect on how we can be better to our Earth and enable others to do the same.

This year, Earth Day’s theme is for the first time ever the exact same as last year. The theme is, “Invest in our Planet” From “For Earth Day 2023, we need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably). Businesses, governments, and citizens — everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable. A partnership for the planet”.

This message is immensely important. In 2023 we are seeing a worldwide push toward sustainability with new legislation and policies such as CSRD, the SEC regulations, changes to the EU Taxonomy, and many more. While these policies are a fantastic starting point we see an ever growing need for more investment, innovation and implementation if we as planet want to preserve the place we call home and the way we live our lives. This outlined by the Newest IPCC Report, AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023 as well as the World Energy Transitions Outlook 2023 Preview. Both reports highlight that not only are we running out of time to meet the goals set during the Paris Climate Agreement to limit warming to 1.5 C, but we are on trend to surpass that warming threshold and do irreparable damage without immediate changes and investments.

In 2023 Earth Day may be even more important than ever before and there is a plethora of resources and ways that each organization, business and individual can help.

The History of Earth Day

The first ever Earth day occurred in San Francisco in 1970 after a Senator of Wisconsin, Gaylord Nelson, announced the idea of a teach-in on college campuses to raise awareness of the environmental issues the world was facing at the time. According to, Gaylord had been concerned about the environment for a very long time and had felt inspired by the student antiwar movement and the growing consensus that air and water pollution was a massive problem. Over the following decades, Gaylord Nelson teamed up with congressmen, activists, and various other groups to make Earth day a global movement and holiday. Today, April 22nd 2022, marks the 52nd anniversary of this event.

How do we celebrate Earth Day?

There are many ways to fight climate change, live more sustainably, and make our impact a positive one. At Sustaira, it all starts with one. One discussion, one application, one choice, one change. We are seeing policies across the globe go into effect to protect our planet and correct the damage that has been done and can still do more!

The official Earth Day website has listed the top 10 Earth Day events of 2023. These events include:

  1. Global Climate Strike: A worldwide strike to demand urgent action on the climate crisis.

  2. Plant-Based Food Festival: A celebration of plant-based food and its positive impact on the environment.

  3. Plastic-Free Beach Clean-Up: A beach clean-up initiative to reduce plastic pollution.

  4. Green Fashion Show: A showcase of sustainable and ethical fashion.

  5. Renewable Energy Expo: An exhibition of renewable energy technologies.

  6. Community Garden Project: A project to establish community gardens in urban areas.

  7. Environmental Film Festival: A film festival featuring documentaries on environmental issues.

  8. Eco-Friendly Art Exhibition: An exhibition of eco-friendly art pieces.

  9. Sustainable Transport Rally: A rally to promote sustainable modes of transportation.

  10. Earth Day Concert: A musical concert with a focus on environmental awareness and activism.

Sustaira’s Mission

Earth Day embodies what Sustaira believes every single day and we are here to help. At Sustaira, Sustainability is mindfully meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We believe that combining and focusing all of our resources, expertise, ideas, knowledge, passion and excitement towards Sustainability, ultimately leads to an acceleration of digital Sustainability initiatives and success. Out of intrinsic motivation, Sustaira is going beyond profit and shareholders. Beyond the short term. Not only for this generation, but for generations to come.

We fully believe that organizations will ultimately be held responsible for their impact on the environment and their stakeholders. It’s already starting to happen. Gathering data and measuring KPIs will provide the transparency to foster accountability. It’s inevitable that change is coming where the profitability is directly impacted and translated into the Profit & Loss sheets of organizations. This change is a real opportunity to differentiate and to be proactive, demonstrating and proving that actionable Sustainability initiatives offer direct value.

To take your first steps be sure to explore Sustaira’s Solutions and try out the Free Version of Sustaira Sustainability and ESG Platform. This free version of the platform allows users to explore and demo the various Sustaira applications, such as ESG and Sustainability Goals and KPI Tracking, Emission Calculators, Carbon Accounting including Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, and more!

Sustainability starts with Sustaira. Will you join the journey?


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